Reporting a waste/ recycle bin is damaged


 $75.00- Repair/ Replacement- If the resident damages the town's waste and/or recycle bins, the resident is responsible for the repair.

If the bin was damaged due to old age, collection truck, snow plow, etc. The resident is not responsible. 

To report a damaged waste and/ or recycle bin the residents can contact the Public Works Administration Office. 

  The Public Works Administration Office is opened Monday through Wednesday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, and Thursday 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. Residents can either call the administration office at (860)793-0221 ext. 7176 or by email If residents would like to use the email option they should fill out the attached form and email it back to

  The normal date/time to receive a new bin or for the bin to be repaired is the next date of the resident's waste/recycle collection schedule. For example: If a resident reports a damaged bin on the day of their waste/recycle collection day and it is a Monday, the resident would expect a new bin or for the repair to occur the following Monday after the damaged bin was emptied out in the collection truck. Residents must leave their bins out front or where the collection truck empties the bins out. From there, at some point on the scheduled date the Buildings and Grounds Department after the damaged bin has been emptied out will repair or swap the bin out. The bins must be completely empty and left out where the collection truck puts it down. 

 *It should be noted, some properties ( Mobile/manufactured homes, Homeowner/ Condo Associations, etc) do not receive waste/recycle removal through the town. These residents would need to contact their Condo or Home Association for any bin issues. If the resident is unsure they can contact the Public Works Administration Office.*